Video interview about Clinical Trial Risk Tool

Video interview about Clinical Trial Risk Tool

This month, I presented the Clinical Trial Risk Tool at the Plotly Dash in Action webinar. I was interviewed by Plotly’s Community Manager Adam Schroeder. You can watch the relevant part of the webinar below.

The Clinical Trial Risk Tool was one of four interactive apps presented as part of the webinar. The speakers at the webinar were:

Screenshot of Matteo Trachsel’s Thermoplan dashboard which calculates the carbon footprint of coffee machine usage.

Screenshot of Agah Karakuzu’s dashboard which allows neuroscientists to assess the reproducibility of T1 values across different sites and vendors where researchers used the same research protocol. (T1 is the time it takes water molecules in the brain to return to their original state following a magnetic pulse).

How to cite the Clinical Trial Risk Tool?

If you would like to cite the tool alone, you can cite:

Wood TA and McNair D. Clinical Trial Risk Tool: software application using natural language processing to identify the risk of trial uninformativeness. Gates Open Res 2023, 7:56 doi: 10.12688/gatesopenres.14416.1.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

@article{Wood_2023, doi = {10.12688/gatesopenres.14416.1}, url = {}, year = 2023, month = {apr}, publisher = {F1000 Research Ltd}, volume = {7}, pages = {56}, author = {Thomas A Wood and Douglas McNair}, title = {Clinical Trial Risk Tool: software application using natural language processing to identify the risk of trial uninformativeness}, journal = {Gates Open Research} }

Presentation about the Clinical Trial Risk Tool at AI|DL

Presentation about the Clinical Trial Risk Tool at AI|DL

On 8 October, Thomas Wood of Fast Data Science presented the Clinical Trial Risk Tool, along with the Harmony project, at the AI and Deep Learning for Enterprise (AI|DL) meetup sponsored by Daemon. You can now watch the recording of the live stream on AI|DL’s YouTube channel below: The Clinical Trial Risk Tool leverages natural language processing to identify risk factors in clinical trial protocols. The initial prototype Clinical Trial Risk Tool is online at https://app.

Clinical trial protocol software

Clinical trial protocol software

Shining a Light on Clinical Trial Risk: Exploring Clinical Trial Protocol Analysis Software Clinical trials are the backbone of medical progress, but navigating their design and execution can be complex. Fast Data Science is dedicated to helping researchers by analysing clinical trial protocols through the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP). We are presenting a selection of software which can be used for clinical trial protocol analysis or clinical trial cost prediction and risk assessment.

Clinical trial cost calculator

Clinical trial cost calculator

Understand your clinical trials Are your clinical trials risky? Are costs running away? It’s very tricky to estimate clinical trial costs before a trial is run. Try our free cost calculator. This is a regression model, trained on real clinical trial data. Trial is for condition HIV Tuberculosis COVID Influenza Malaria Enteric and diarrheal diseases Neglected tropical diseases Polio Diabetes Pneumonia Hypertension (see full product) Motor neurone disease (see full product) Multiple sclerosis (see full product) Obesity (see full product) Sickle cell anemia (see full product) Stroke (see full product) Cystic fibrosis (see full product) Cancer (see full product) Other (see full product) Phase Early Phase 1 1 1.